Backyard Visitors
Backyard visitors today.

Backyard visitors today.
This brave little Chickadee interrupted a Cardinal’s lunch. (Had to frame grab this from a Bird Buddy video)
Wingardium Leviosa!
It looks like someone put Brylcreem on this handsome guys feathers.
I occasionally put dried mealworms in the Bird Buddy tray. This is the first picture I got of a Carolina Wren eating this tasty treat.
Lots of for
days. The birds at the feeder look waterlogged
Amazingly detailed photo of this Cardinal from my Bird Buddy.
This cute Chickadee has been missing for a few weeks. They came back, but most of the time they’re too quick to get by the Bird Buddy.
A new bird at my Bird Buddy feeder. I didn’t even know we had Brown-headed Cowbirds in our area.
This confused Cardinal is going round and round on my Bird Buddy.
A cute new bird from Canada
Cardinals have such an inquisitive look when they flare their crest and tilt their heads.
The colors of a Steller’s Jay are amazing. The head is charcoal black, and the body is all blue (lightest, almost sparkling, on the wings). Pictures from a Bird Buddy in Salt Spring Island, Canada.
Battling a pesky squirrel. I’ve offered him nuts in a separate feeder, but he still insists on dining at the Bird Buddy. Maybe this baffle will keep him out?
There was a ruckus in this tree so I got closer to see what was going on. I think that a pair of Carolina Wrens may be defending a nest in our birdhouse.
Finally got a Bird Buddy video of the Mockingbird in my yard.
This little White-crowned Sparrow looks like he has a pompadour hairstyle.
Sometimes Bird Buddy doesnβt pick the best still from a video. These are all photos I captured from a video.
Bird Buddy video edited in Adobe Rush. Cardinal sound effect from Pixabay.
Having a bad morning? Shake if off πΆ