Happy Couple
This cute pair of Tufted Titmouses have become regular visitors at my Bird Buddy
This cute pair of Tufted Titmouses have become regular visitors at my Bird Buddy
We harvested a lot of blueberries at our house. I put a few in the Bird Buddy and this Mockingbird seems to be enjoying the extra treat.
What happened to the peanuts? 🥜 There were peanuts in this feeder yesterday
Visiting my Bird Buddy. The suet holder hides him from the BB camera.
That 🥜 is almost as large as that Carolina Wren’s head!
Great 📸 of this Grey Catbird. Bird Buddy didn’t capture it, I pulled it out of a video.
Gotta admire this Grackle’s hustle! How does he fit it all in his beak? #birdBuddy