Expanded Nature Station
I’ve added two more feeders to my Bird Buddy Nature Station. In the foreground is a suet log and the orange feeder is currently filled with suet nuggets. I hope the woodpecker will return to dine on the suet log.

I’ve added two more feeders to my Bird Buddy Nature Station. In the foreground is a suet log and the orange feeder is currently filled with suet nuggets. I hope the woodpecker will return to dine on the suet log.
The feathers on this Eastern Bluebird are so pretty! Their vibrant blue hue glistens in the sunlight, creating a stunning contrast against their underparts’ soft white and warm orange tones. As they flit from branch to branch, the intricate patterns on their wings reveal themselves, showcasing nature’s artistry and elegance. Observing these beautiful birds singing their cheerful melodies adds to the enchantment, reminding us of the wonders of wildlife and the serene beauty in our backyards.
This is the first video from my Bird Buddy after I moved it to the new pole mounting system. It’s higher than the previous location.
I finally got my Bird Buddy Nature Station. I pledged the Kickstarter last year and the pole mount system has started shipping. I moved my Smart Bird Feeder from another pole to this new system. I’ll be adding two more feeders soon. Eventually I’ll get a Bird Buddy Bird Bath to add near the bottom of the pole.
He’s behind me, isn’t he?
What you talkin’ about Willis?
Trapped and rehomed a squirrel today. It’s the only way to keep the furry pests off my bird feeders!
A slow motion video of a Blue Jay landing on my Bird Buddy.
All these birds are happy about the seeds they’ve found in my Bird Buddy, as they flit around joyfully, chirping and singing their delightful melodies.
This American Goldfinch has returned after a long absence. Not sure if this is a female or a male with winter feathers.
Another slow motion video. This time, a Cardinal is coming in for a landing.
This Blue Jay is doing his morning calisthenics and stretching.
This is the first video I’ve edited to take advantage of the slow-motion feature on the Nature Cam Pro. Watch this Tufted Titmouse land at 1/4 speed.
I put out a new cylindrical suet feeder and the Downy Woodpecker came back.
Finch party at my Bird Buddy feeder.
Very active afternoon in our backyard and at our feeders.
I’m so excited; a Downy Woodpecker visited my new Bird Buddy suet feeder!
Happy New Year from all the birds at Chez Trommetter!
The chicken is ready for Christmas dinner.