My First Week on Instagram
16 Candles
Upward Basketball

TJ is the tallest player on his Upward basketball team this year. He’s learning to dribble much better and he’s made a few baskets. Passing is still an issue for all the boys.
Christmas 2011

Making Gingerbread Houses

Decorating gingerbread houses is a tradition in our family. Here are the Christmas 2011 editions of our work:
Halloween 2011

Throughout the year I’ve been drawing pictures inspired by the Android logo. These are my Halloween inspired creations.
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Harvest Wallpaper

In the spirit of the Harvest/Halloween season I’ve taken some of my pictures and re-sized them as iPhone and Desktop wallpaper. Feel free to use them on your portable device or computer.
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Carving Pumpkins
Sky Top Apple Orchard

Visited Sky Top Orchard today. We had a great time picking apples, looking at the animals and playing on the playground. Came home with lots of apples and some yummy apple donuts!
Downtown Greenville

Greenville, SC is the most beautiful city I’ve ever lived in. From time-to-time I try to go downtown and take pictures. All these pictures were taken near the area around Main Street and Court Street.
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Fluor Field

Greenville, SC is the home of the Greenville Drive. They are a minor league baseball team franchise of the Boston Redsox. Fluor Field is a great place to watch a ballgame!
Christmas Wallpaper
Sunset Beach

My family and I are very lucky because my in-laws live just a few miles from one of the prettiest beaches I’ve ever seen. These pictures are from our Summer vacation.
Great Snowstorm of 2010

We don’t get much snow in South Carolina, so when we do it’s quite an event. This was the heaviest snowstorm I can remember in Greenville.
Hydrant Hysteria

Hydrant Hysteria is a community art project sponsored by the Harrisburg Downtown Improvement District. Local artists submitted artistic designs for fire hydrants and the community voted for the winners.
3-D Archery Shoot

TJ and I went to a 3-D archery shoot sponsored by the Outdoors Ministry at West Shore Evangelical Free Church.
Knoebels Grove

Our summer vacation was a trip to this small amusement park in northeast Pennsylvania. It’s the same place my grandfather took me when I was a small boy.