Willy Wonka, Jr.

My daughter was part of a production of Willy Wonka, Jr. at Eagle View Middle School. She was a “candy kid” and an Oompa Loompa.
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My daughter was part of a production of Willy Wonka, Jr. at Eagle View Middle School. She was a “candy kid” and an Oompa Loompa.
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I attended an anti-tax rally on the steps of the Pennsylvania capitol building in Harrisburg. It was a well organized event. All the protestors were courteous and well behaved in spite of the rain. (There were a few confused anarchists in the crowd, but they were the exception.)
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We celebrated twice: once at home and once at Friendly’s restaurant. She even got two cakes: one made by Mommy and one made by “Aunt” Desi, a professional cake decorator. (Lucky girl.)
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This year, Hershey opened a new “museum of chocolate.” It’s a great place where you can learn all about the history of the most famous chocolate maker in the United States, Milton Hershey.
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Now that I have my new football jersey I’m ready to watch the Philadelphia Eagles in the playoffs!
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We have a Christmas tradition in our house of building Gingerbread houses each year. This year, Aunt Desi came and helped us build.
The Star Barn is a historical landmark currently along Highway 283 near Harrisburg, PA. I stopped along the highway to take pictures, but it was too busy to get out of the car so this is the best I could do.
My Dad can’t use the front door on his house right now. There is this wreath hanging on it. Some mama bird decided to build her nest in the wreath. Now there are three little chicks living on the front door.
Even the Big Guy has to get out and go grocery shopping. How else is he going to feed all those Elves?